Monday, June 25, 2012

DIY vintage art using embroidery circle frames


Feeling crafty this week?
I have created these really cute & super easy material artworks for kids rooms.
There is a cowboy themed one for boys and a vintage chandelier one for girls.

It requires the following:

- A printer
- 1 x embroidery frame (17.5cmx 17.5cm) available at Spotight for $2.79
- Some double sided tape (thicker the better - 18mm ideal) available at Spotlight for $3.99 for 16m
- Piece of A4 card stock (thicker than paper)
- A strip (A4 size) of calico. This is also from Spotlight for only $3.99 per metre

This item requires you to print on material.
It's super easy and you'll be amazed your home printer can produce such beautiful and detailed printed material.

NB. If you have a wiz bang printer - I suggest you don't try this. Some printers may not feed the material as easily as some, so please be wary with this technique.

1. Download this FREE document that I have created for both frames. Each image is 20.5 x 20.5 square. When printed correctly you sould have very minimal space on either side of the page.

2. Update your child's name on the document.

3. Get the A4 piece of paper and cut a piece of calico the same size as the paper.

4. Make three strips of double sided tape long ways down the paper. One on each edge and one down
the middle and stick the calico to the paper.

5. Print the graphic you want on the paper. Using the rear tray on your printer, basically somewhere you can feed the paper though.
Nb. You may receive a warning that the print is outside the margins and do you want to proceed - click yes. You may want to use a piece of paper first and print an example.

6. Pull away the material from paper. Don't cut the circle out, as you will need excess material to tighten the print.

7. Put the material inside the embriodery frame. This will require some positioning and pulling through the tiny part of excess material.

8. Trim excess material once the frame tightened as far as it will go. You could alternatively glue the excess material around the back of the frame.
And there you have it - a personalised piece of vintage art to hang in any nursery or kids room!

Using the fonts I have used:
You can use any font you like as the names, however to use the font I have used in the images, you'll need to add them to your font folder on your computer.
I have used the following fonts on my examples.
Fat Finger for the cowboy frame, and Adobe Caslon Pro for the chandelier graphic.
You can also dowload these below, and simpy place in your fonts folder
Fat Finger - download
Adobe Caslon Pr - download
ie, fonts folder is usually placed at the following on a PC  C:/Windows/ Fonts
and the following on a mac:  ~/Library/Fonts/
Once you've downloaded the fonts, simple drop and drag into the fonts folder and your new fonts should show up in word automatically.

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